
Tuesday, 1 January 2019

Passion, Purpose and Purity: A poem

To say I know someone
Because I have heard their name spoken.
To say I love someone
Because I know what they have done.
Is to deceive myself,
Cloud my vision
So that knowledge can not increase
and love begin to grow.

To know is not the possession of facts
To love not some casual feeling.
To know is to anticipate what they'll do.
It takes time, determination, a passion.
A desire to learn more, a striving to this purpose.
To love is to desire their will above yours,
To strive to please them and to seek to know them more.
It is a passion, a passion which provides a purpose.

Knowledge and love, passion and purpose
Interwoven; each driving the other.
Passion giving us purpose, and our
Purpose increasing our passion.
One purpose, one passion, pure uncomplicated.
Turn your thoughts, single minded
To that which you'd love.
Seek that love, strive to find it
With a passion and as your sole purpose.

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